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TOTO - Falling in Between (2006)

페이지 정보


개인적으로 가장 좋아하는 밴드 TOTO입니다.
정말 최고의 세션들이 모여서 만든 그룹인 만큼, 연주, 사운드 물론 전부 현 최고가 아닌가 생각합니다. (개인적으로)
이 앨범이 나온지 1년이 넘었지만 아직 못들어 보신 분들이 계실듯 하여서 올려봅니다.

-타이틀 곡인 'Falling in between' 입니다.

-기타사운드가 참 맘에 드는 7번 트랙 'Taint the World' 입니다.

각 트랙별로 샘플 트랙이 있으니 들어보세요. Toto 홈페이지에 있는 샘플입니다 :>

밑의 원문은 토토의 홈페이지에 있는 글입니다 :)
Produced by TOTO

Bobby Kimball - Vocals
Steve Lukather - Guitars, Vocals
David Paich - Keyboards, Vocals
Greg Phillinganes - Keyboards, Vocals
Simon Phillips - Drums, Percussion
Mike Porcaro - Bass

Additional Musicians
Joseph Williams - Vocals Steve Porcaro - Keyboards Lenny Castro - Percussion
Ian Anderson - Flute
L. Shenkar - Vocals
Jason Scheff - Vocals
Roy Hargrove, Tom Scott - Horns

Engineered by: Simon Phillips
Assistant Engineering by: Stefan Nordin
Additional Engineering by: Miking Ging, Stephen Cohen, and Phil Soussan
Mixed by: Steve MacMillan
Mastered by: Stephen Marcussen


Lead Vocal: Bobby Kimball and Greg Phillinganes
Written by: Steve Lukather, David Paich, Simon Phillips, Mike Porcaro, Bobby Kimball, and Greg Phillinganes

Additional Musicians:
Steve Porcaro: Sound Design
Shenkar: Vocals, Violin
Jason Scheff: Additional Background Vocals

Bobby: It started out as a Luke-jam on guitar and the band fell into the groove and we had a great beginning to a Led Zepp-esque song. It’s Toto unleashed and free-falling in between. Dave, Luke, or myself would then take the tracks home and start with some kind of melody idea, then work out the lyrics on the songs. Because of some of the odd time signatures, it was difficult to place the melodies, but that made it all the more interesting to write.

Greg: I remember Luke and Paich wanting to go in the direction of a prog rock piece ala Led Zeppelin or YES. Bobby throws down HARD on lead. We all played on this one…at the same time!

Paich: I remembered a small idea I had just after the tsunami tragedy. Shankar had called me and asked if I would right something for his country, India. I had that part and it became the intro.


Lead Vocal: Bobby Kimball
Written by: Steve Lukather, David Paich, Bobby Kimball, Simon Phillips, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Lenny Castro: Percussion
Steve Porcaro: Synths
James Pankow: Trombone
Lee Thornburg: Trumpet
Ray Hermann: Tenor

Luke: It started out with an idea that Dave and I had and built from there, and the song kind of recorded itself - everything went down easily from the percussion to the final vocal. Bobby on lead, Greg and I on BG's. This is a cool track as it has several sections. Lenny and Steve P. are on this, and the coolest thing about it is that Jimmy Pankow from the band Chicago did a horn chart for us.

Simon: Another band written song put together section by section and in fact this was the demo track - it just had such a good groove. I particularly love Bobby's vocal performance on this one - exploiting a slightly lower range of his voice. A very cool solo from Luke - probably my favourite on the album.


Lead Vocal: Steve Lukather and Joseph Williams
Written by: David Paich, Steve Lukather, Simon Phillips, Bobby Kimball, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Joseph Williams: Vocals
Jason Scheff: Vocals
Shenkar: Vocals
Lenny Castro: Percussion
David: Simon and I had chatted about a 6/8 african groove. The band was looking for something we didn't have on the record, yet. It quickly came together. I had been talking to Steve Porcaro about the victims of Sudan. I felt compelled to research it more than I had already seen in the news and in the paper. The chorus lyric I came up with was a result of Luke's melody in the chorus.

Simon: Dave and I had the same idea of the groove and so we went out and jammed for a bit. Luke came up with the chorus chords and Dave pretty much had the lyrics. It was fun making up the percussion loop.

Mike: What a beautiful, heart felt vocal performance by Luke. . Wonderful, mystical, timeless feel to this track. And that gorgeous voice of Joseph Williams. And the interplay between Luke's guitar and Greg's piano...makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Gorgeous! It felt like I was home, in a spiritual way.

Joseph: I would just like to express my gratitude to the guys for asking me to contribute to this record. It was as if no time passed since we last worked together. The difference this time was that the stress and the pressure was missing, allowing creativity and musicality to rule the day. The guys were welcoming of all my ideas, and I could not have asked for a better song on which to sing. I think "Bottom of Your Soul" revives some of that old TOTO magic I fell in love with back before my tenure, back when I was a fan.


Lead Vocal: Bobby Kimball, David Paich, and Steve Lukather
Written by: Bobby Kimball, Steve Lukather, David Paich, Steve Porcaro, Simon Phillips, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Steve Porcaro: Sound Design
Jason Scheff: Vocals

Luke: This is a wildcard track that almost didn't make it to the CD. It started out a whole other tune and we were gonna use THIS as our bonus cut. We gave it to Steve Porcaro to tweak out and he edited the whole thing and then sent it back to us. It's a whole different tune. It has Dave, me, and Bobby singing lead for the first time ever, and I think it turned into one of my faves.

David: King of the World was previously titled Den of Thieves or Smoke and Mirrors. It is about the fall of Enron, as told from three perspectives. One, being the man on the street (narrating, two, being a low level worker and the third being the Big Dog exec. In addition to the band, Steve Porcaro played a major role with creative editing, intros, and dazzling effects. Jason Scheff from "Chicago" also lent a hand on vocal harmonies.


Lead Vocal: Bobby Kimball
Written By: Simon Phillips, Steve Lukather, Mike Porcaro, David Paich, and Bobby Kimball

Additional Musicians:
Ian Anderson: Flute
Steve Porcaro: Synths and Sound Design
Trevor Lukather / James Torme: Backing Vocals

Mike: Luke seems to channel great ideas effortlessly. Ideas that the other maestro's picked up on and enhanced through their talents and inspiration. One inspired thought begets another, with begets another, and that's when you know you’re in the company of some blessed and talented individuals.

David: Simon had most of it, so we jammed and had fun. I wrote the basic lyric about 'prime time addiction. Ian Anderson was nice enough to honor us with a flute solo.

Bobby: This is a straight-ahead rock song that’s in-your-face with a message about things beyond control in your life. Once something takes control of you, it’s hard not to say your Hooked on it. I thought one of the major players on this track was Steve Porcaro, because he added so many interesting synth parts that brought the song to life.


Lead Vocals: Steve Lukather
Written by: Steve Lukather

Additional Musicians:
Lenny Castro: Percussion
Steve Lukather: Piano

Mike: One of the things I always look forward to on a Toto album - a gorgeous ballad from Steve Lukather. These kind of songs flow out of him like a pure spring. Awesome!

Greg: Probably my favourite song of the whole album. I fell in love with it the first time Luke played it for me. As a songwriter, it’s one of those gems that makes you say, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

Simon: This is all Luke. He came in with the whole song written and with a couple of tweeks here and there that was it - it was done!

Paich: That's pure, unadulterated Lukather. Mikey's great Brian Wilson bass line at the end.


Lead Vocal: Bobby Kimball
Written By: Steve Lukather, David Paich, Simon Phillips, Bobby Kimball, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Steve Porcaro: Sound Design

Simon: We cut this very live and I think everyone had a hand in this. Steve Porcaro added a very interesting slant to the bridge section! This is more how the band sounds at a concert and I wanted to capture a rawness not normally associated with us. My old British rock n'roll roots I guess!!!

Luke: This is a our tribute to our friends Ed and Al Van Halen. They are very close friends and I had this lick and we just had to cut it. Its sounds like something they might do but it still very Toto as well. We gotta rock sometimes. Haha. Bobby on Lead and Me and Greg yet again.


Lead Vocal: Greg Phillinganes
Written by: Steve Lukather, David Paich, Greg Phillinganes, Simon Phillips, Bobby Kimball, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Lenny Castro: Percussion
Steve Porcaro: Synths

Bobby: What a track the band came up with for this one. Greg kills on the vocal in this song. I started the lyrics, but as usual, we all had a hand in finishing them off. It’s one of my fave’s on the CD.

Luke: This is a funk-fusion track that could be "son of Jake to the Bone" but has vocals. One of my fave tracks and it took 2 days to write-rehearse and cut as it has some wierd and somewhat difficult passages to play. A true Toto extravaganzo.

Mike: This tunes got it all. Killer groove, incredible background stacks and Greg's outstanding lead vocal. We're so happy to have Greg in this band. Can't deny this man's musical integrity and skills. And he can sing like that?

Greg: My lead vocal debut. The chorus melody and words, “Let it go” came quite quickly, as I remember. Si-Phi challenged me to come up with and interesting lick in the instrumental section after Luke’s solo and when I finally did, Mike and Luke were so pissed when learning it because it’s the kind of line that’s easier to play on a keyboard as opposed to a guitar.


Lead Vocal: David Paich, Bobby Kimball, and Greg Phillinganes
Written by: David Paich

Additional Musicians:
Lenny Castro: Percussion
Tom Scott: Tenor
Monet: Background Vocals

Luke: This is a song about finding your way in your heart in these difficult times. One of Daves best.

Greg: I remember Dave being particularly excited about this one. He went through several drafts of lyrics…really took his time but I love the end result. Love the vocals as well – definitely one of my faves!

Paich: This was written in the style of a narrative ballad with 4 chords. It was written as a hymn. I wrote the the first draft of the lyrics as if I was a journalist following Christ around. I wanted to write it in the style of the late Hunter Thompson, the Rolling Stone writer /poet. Then I decided to expand the range of the story to include Buddha, Muhammad, Coltrane. Greg and Bobby gave compelling performances. Also Tom Scott and Monet.


Lead Vocal: Steve Lukather and Bobby Kimball
Written by: David Paich, Steve Lukather, Bobby Kimball, Simon Phillips, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Lenny Castro: Percussion
Steve Porcaro: Synths & Sound Design

Simon: This was one of the last songs we wrote - I think it took about an hour to compose and then we cut it live - a couple of takes - and that's it. Bobby delivers another killer vocal on this one.

Bobby: After the track was recorded, Luke and I were discussing the war in Iraq one day. I was in the middle of a few ideas on the lyrics, and all of a sudden, in the middle of that discussion, Luke mentioned that we had “No End In Sight” with this war. I brought that idea home and worked it until I had the story line. It turned out great and it has a very daunting message.

Mike: Deals with the days of stress we're living in these times. Go Bubba! Tell it like it is brother!


Written by: David Paich, Steve Lukather, Simon Phillips, and Mike Porcaro

Additional Musicians:
Roy Hargrove: Trumpet & Flugelhorn
Lenny Castro: Percussion

Simon: A jam based on a riff of Dave's - a surprise actually and I am so glad we managed to get it recorded as there was a slight technical problem going on that nobody knew about. Roy Hargrove adds his magic to this one.

Luke: This is a live jam written by Dave and I. Dave had the riff and Si started playin the be bop groove and I wrote a melody on the spot. After we heard it back we dug it and got jazz legend Roy Hargrove to play trumpet on it. Its a Miles "Bitches Brew" kind of a thing. Very short piece but cool. You wouldnt hear this on an other "70's-80's bands record that for sure!

Mike: Speaks for itself, Hahahaha!

Greg: It sounds just as cool if you don’t smoke while listening!!

* -- Available as Japanese Bonus Track




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