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Answers about Cardiovascular Health

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작성자 Monty


Blackout from turning your head is unlikely; however, sudden changes in head position can cause brief dizziness known as vertigo. If you experience frequent bla
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Cardiovascular Health


What stores don't need an ID to buy a knife?

Asked by Wiki User

In most places, you can purchase non-restricted knives at general retail stores without showing an ID. However, for certain types of knives, such as those with
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Cardiovascular Health


Does constant morphine take away all pain form heart attack?

Asked by Wiki User

Constant morphine can help alleviate pain during a heart attack, but it may not completely remove all pain. It is important to seek medical attention immediatel
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Cardiovascular Health


What does anyone know about atrial flutter and high pulse rate and sweating at night?

Asked by Ldsforever

Atrial flutter is a type of abnormal heart rhythm that can result in a rapid and irregular heartbeat. This can lead to symptoms like a high pulse rate and night
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Cardiovascular Health


What is the diffence between black cherry and grape?

Asked by Wiki User

Black cherry is a dark red fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor, while grape is a small, round fruit that can range in color from green to purple and has a juicy
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Cardiovascular Health


Can aersol sprays cause shortness of breath?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, aerosol sprays can cause shortness of breath when inhaled directly or in confined spaces with poor ventilation. This can be due to the chemicals or irritan
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Medication and Drugs


What are the most common drugs used in long term care or nursing homes?

Asked by Wiki User

The most common drugs used in long-term care or nursing homes include medications for hypertension (e.g., lisinopril), diabetes (e.g., metformin), dementia (e.g
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How does using steroids lead to strokes and heart attacks?

Asked by Wiki User

Using steroids can lead to strokes and heart attacks by increasing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of blood clots. Steroids can also cause the
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Child Health


What examples of ethnocentrism are there in healthcare?

Asked by Wiki User

Examples of ethnocentrism in healthcare include healthcare providers assuming that patients from certain cultural backgrounds have the same health beliefs and p
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Cardiovascular Health


What is a Sensory impairment team?

Asked by Wiki User

A sensory impairment team is a group of professionals who provide support and services to individuals with sensory impairments, such as hearing loss or visual i
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Cardiovascular Health


Can you take aspirin and resveratrol together?

Asked by Wiki User

It is generally safe to take aspirin and resveratrol together, but it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before combining different medica
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History, Politics & Society


Aortic aneurism ruptures how long do you have to live?

Asked by Wiki User

An aortic aneurysm rupture is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Without prompt treatment, it can be life-threatening, and the outco
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Cardiovascular Health


What is the difference between TED Hose and support hose?

Asked by Wiki User

TED hose are anti-embolism stockings designed to prevent blood clots, typically used in hospitals. Support hose, or compression stockings, provide graduated pre
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Domestic Dogs


What would congestive heart failure be an example of?

Asked by Wiki User

Congestive heart failure is an example of a chronic cardiac condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood effectively to meet the body's needs. This lead
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Aging and Life Extension


Why Water intake in large quantity is not good for heart?

Asked by Wiki User

Consuming excessive amounts of water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication or hyponatremia, which can disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the b
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Cardiovascular Health


How can antioxidant act as antiaging agent?

Asked by Wiki User

Antioxidants help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, which can damage cells and accelerate aging. By reducing the oxidative stress caused by free
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Why do young children have a faster pulse rate than adults?

Asked by Wiki User

Young children have a faster pulse rate than adults because their hearts are smaller and need to pump more frequently to deliver the necessary oxygen and nutrie
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Conditions and Diseases


What part of the body does dislocation effect?

Asked by Wiki User

Dislocation affects the joints in the body, where the bones are forced out of their normal positions. This can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility in the
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Cardiovascular Health


Is baking soda water unhealthy for long term use?

Asked by Wiki User

Baking soda water, when consumed in moderation, is generally safe for short-term use. However, long-term use of baking soda water can lead to electrolyte imbala
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Cardiovascular Health


Shooting pains down the inside of left arm?

Asked by Wiki User

Shooting pains down the inside of the left arm could be a sign of a pinched nerve, muscle strain, or even a heart-related issue such as angina or a heart attack
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Cardiovascular Health


How does the blood flow through the body and in what direction?

Asked by Wiki User

Blood flows through the body in a loop, starting in the heart, which pumps oxygen-rich blood through arteries to the body's tissues. Once the oxygen is used up,
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Cardiovascular Health


Is FeS an electrolyte?

Asked by Wiki User

No, FeS (iron sulfide) is not an electrolyte. Electrolytes are substances that conduct electricity when dissolved in a solvent, such as water. FeS is not solubl
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Cardiovascular Health


Are you interested in learning what the E5 does to water?

Asked by Fibroman

I would like to try and explain the effect that the John Ellis Water machines have on water. I went to the US patent site and read all patents associated to the
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Child Health


What is the danger when a girl does not practice a menstrual hygiene?

Asked by Wiki User

When a girl does not practice good menstrual hygiene, she is at risk of infections like bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections, and yeast infections. It
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Cardiovascular Health


What does individuality promote?

Asked by Wiki User

it promotes : confidence (as you are not trying to be like anyone else) bullying (individuality can be seen as the odd one out so a chance to bully) your own pe
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