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Search Engine Optimization & Pay-Per-Click Projects - What Is Your Roi?

페이지 정보

작성자 Lyn


Leonardo Da Vinci once said "Savage is he who saves himself". So in the spirit of Hollywood here's the Da Vinci Code for helping out your SEO Expert, reducing your Search Engine Positioning costs and Search engine marketing maximizing your website return on investment.


However, if not, then you need some advice. You need to understand the basics of Search engine marketing engine optimization. Incidentally, what the basics are to you may not be basics to others. Basics to some are the correct use of LSI (latent semantic indexing), of internal linking strategies and of other techniques designed to lead search engine spiders by the hand and convince them that their site is the tops. Can you do that?

For example, it is best to have a minimum of six domains all with a similar PR. These domains should have roughly the same activity and same amount of traffic. It is helpful if they are ina similar niche. This will help you create a testing and ranking "baseline". Then on 3 of the 6 sites you should test the unknown non-sleazy backlinking tool.

semantic seo 5) It's about usability. Websites that are well structured and user friendly tend to leave a positive image in a persons mind. Content aside, do you bookmark crappy, frustrating sites? Or do you bookmark websites that are easy to use and handy? Good usability leads to repeat visitors which can lead to all sorts of possibilities.

Most site owners struggle with this backlink building part of the SEO campaign. Anyone can develop a site or get it developed by a professional web development company or freelancer. However, not just anyone can build the backlinks that is needed to rank a site high. It takes broad knowledge and years of experience to be a successful link building builder as once needs to know what works.

Bookmarking is another way of building links. These have high page rank in the eyes of Google and are certainly worth placing your link on. Sign up to sites such as StumbleUpon, Delicious and Reddit. Add your bookmark with your link. This could be for things such as the latest article you have written or a web page or post.


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