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Amy Castano reveals her shocking diet and strict exercise regime

페이지 정보

작성자 Trey


Amy Castano has revealed the wild diet and exercise regime which goes into maintaining her trim and toned figure.

The Sydney starlet, 32, who founded the popular celebrity gym Acero with her ex husband Jono Castano, took to Instagram on Monday to share her tips.

Despite claiming she doesn't 'punish' herself with restrictive diets and harsh workouts, Amy said she weight trains five times a week and eats 1,350 calories a day.

The fitness influencer shared a photo from her current health kick and the strict diet she must follow to maintain her recent body transformation. 

In the snap was a list of dietary and exercise rules which included a 'breakfast cheese board ban' and '5 x weight training per week'.

Amy Castano, 32, (pictured) has revealed on Instagram the wild diet and exercise regime which goes into maintaining her trim and toned figure

Amy must also eat 110g of protein, 70g of fats and 70g of carbs 'per day' alongside a complete alcohol ban, which roughly comes out to only 1,350 calories a day.

The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council recommends the average woman would need about 2,000 calories per day for a healthy diet.

However, it advises most people should aim to balance their caloric input with their caloric output to maintain a healthy body weight. 

Despite claiming she doesn't 'punish' herself with restrictive diets and harsh workouts, Amy said on Monday she weight trains five times a week and eats 1,350 calories a day

The fitness influencer shared a photo from her current health kick and the strict diet she must follow to maintain her recent body transformation 

Alongside her restrictive list, Amy shared videos of herself doing vigorous weight training exercises and an image of the meal she ate afterward.

It contained rice, chicken and vegetables, with the caption providing more details on which foods she cut and increased in her diet.

Amy's latest health kick comes after she revealed her recent body transformation along with claims she no longer 'punishes' herself to maintain her figure.

Alongside her restrictive list, Amy shared videos of herself doing vigorous weight training exercises and an image of the meal she ate afterward

Amy's latest health kick comes after she revealed her recent body transformation along with claims she no longer 'punishes' herself to maintain her figure

She posted before and after photos to Instagram, showcasing the muscle definition she gained and some slight weight loss. 

'The changes in my body [are] down to purely one thing... consistency,' she said.

'At my heaviest, I used to smash 2-3 hours at the gym, follow diet trends & punish myself if I went off course.

'Now, Glucoslim Preis I don't train like an athlete, I don't do restrictive diets but I do believe in balance and truly enjoying life. That's what we all believe at Acero.'


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