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Climate change deniers claimed to be conspiracy theorists, study finds

페이지 정보

작성자 Cecilia Monds


They are either championed as brave voices willing to speak out against the scientific majority or dismissed as cranks who lack the evidence to support their arguments. Now deniers of global warming have been dealt a stinging blow by psychologists who found skeptics of man-made climate change tend to believe in conspiracy theories. They say the conspiracist outlook taken by many climate change skeptics is harming the public debate over global warming.

e89b69a87c0703e6338a667b9ca0da55.jpgScroll down for video  Bloggers who deny human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels above, are causing climate change will often use language that suggests they believe in conspiracy theories, sex a new scientific paper has claimed The researchers studied the response to a previous study looking at the role conspiracy theories play in online blogs that deny the scientific consensus on climate change. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 2 Next Global warming 'killing off bees': Insects in danger because...

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ARE THE OCEANS BEHIND THE GLOBAL WARMING 'PAUSE'?  Powerful winds in the Pacific and Indian oceans are hiding the effects of global warming, a new study has claimed. The research claims that the so-called 'pause' in climate change never took place - scientists just haven't been digging deep enough. The pause refers to the fact that the temperature of Earth's surface has increased by just 0.06°C in the past 15 years.

It has been used by some groups as evidence that climate change is not happening.  But the Nasa study claims the planet's extra heat has spent the last 10 years sinking into the depths of equatorial waters. Scientists have found a specific layer of the Indian and Pacific oceans between 300 and 1,000ft (100 and 300 metres) below the surface has been accumulating more heat than previously recognised. This includes the use of words like 'scam' and repeated references to faked data and collusion between scientists and teenage adult porn governments to deliberately conceal evidence.

Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, an experimental psychologist at the University of Bristol who led the work, said: 'These results add to a growing body of research on the nature of internet discourse and porn the role of the blogosphere in climate denial. 'It also confirms that conspiratorial elements are readily identifiable in blogosphere discourse' The paper, adult porn which is published in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology, provides a damning view of skeptical bloggers and those who comment on their websites.

The term 'conspiracy theory' is often used as a way of dismissing and ridiculing a person's beliefs.


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