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The 7 Best Gematria Calculator Apps for Discovering the Secret Meaning of Words

페이지 정보

작성자 Genia


There is also an option to combine words together in case you are entering a phrase. This calculator instantly gives you the gematria of the word. This website can easily calculate the Simple Gematria, English Gematria, and Hebrew Gematria of a letter, word, or phrase. You can simply add your input into the box and calculate the gematria. By default, it filters the "Rude Words" but you can toggle to view such words as well. When you run the calculator, it shows the Hebrew, English, and Simple gematria of your input. Along with the gematria, it breaks each letter and shows their individual gematria as well. Whereas numerology is the study of numbers as they are to decipher their symbolic meaning. A less common type of gematria is Greek gematria, which assigns numerical values to Greek letters. The values range from and are similar to those used in Hebrew gematria, with alpha being equal to 1. Greek gematria can be used in much the same way as Hebrew gematria, but its application is more limited due to its rarity. OnlineUtility.in is another website to calculate gematria online. The gematria calculator on this website supports Simple gematria, English gematria, and Jewish/Hebrew gematria. You can select the cipher you want to use and add your input. In the case of phrases, you also get an option to combine the words together. GematriaRobot.com is another website where you can calculate gematria online. The tool here is capable of calculating four gematria ciphers including Square gematria, Graeco gematria, Hebrew gematria, and English gematria. You can simply add a letter, word, or phrase and get the gematria of that in all these four ciphers. Along with each gematria, it shows the gematria of each letter that is added together to get the final numerical value.


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