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Dalam debat yang berlangsung pada tanggal 12 Desember 2023, Calon Presiden nomor urut 3, Ganjar Pranowo, menyatakan bahwa pemberantasan korupsi menjadi pondasi dalam menjalankan great administration (pemerintahan yang baik).

페이지 정보

작성자 Jestine


Ganjar Pranowo juga berbicara tentang pasangannya, Mahfud Md, yang mendengarkan aspirasi dari wilayah barat Indonesia. Mereka berdua berjanji untuk memberikan insentif bagi para expert agama di Aceh dengan tujuan untuk mengajarkan budi pekerti yang rukun.

Pernyataan Ganjar Pranowo ini mencerminkan komitmennya untuk mengatasi masalah ketimpangan sosial dan memberantas korupsi sebagai bagian dari schedule excellent governance yang akan dijalankan jika terpilih sebagai Presiden.

Hotman humorously wondered about Anies in his Instagram message, "Did he misspeak or something? Why utilize the name 'Paris' without consent from Paris? Anies baswedan (liputan6.com) stressed that every violation of the regulation need to not be tolerated. We might differ with a person's thoughts, however the state must provide them the right to talk, including slamming," claimed Anies.
It has to be restored," Anies insisted.

He pointed out that the Kartu Tani (farmer card) program applied in Central Java appeared to make complex farmers' access to subsidized plant food. Prabowo highlighted the demand for simplifying accessibility to plant food, stating, "They grumble that the farmer card you introduced actually makes it harder for them to get fertilizer. Ganjar elevated the problem of data related to farmers getting subsidized plant food. He explained that the problem lay in the information administration system, as accurate information on farmers was crucial for the correct circulation of subsidized fertilizer.

During the governmental argument, candidate second, Prabowo Subianto, brought up the problem of subsidized plant food circulation and posed a question to prospect number three, Ganjar Pranowo.
Prabowo slammed Ganjar's handling of the plant food distribution issue during his tenure as the Guv of Central Java. He expressed his worry, mentioning that during his sees to different locations in Central Java, he found that vulnerable teams, including farmers and fishermen, dealt with troubles in getting subsidized plant food. "What I discovered, specifically in Central Java, Mr. Ganjar, is that the farmers there have an extremely tough time getting plant food," Prabowo mentioned during the 2024 Presidential Dispute in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
He mentioned that the Kartu Tani (farmer card) program carried out in Central Java appeared to make complex farmers' accessibility to subsidized plant food. Prabowo highlighted the need for simplifying access to plant food, mentioning, "They complain that the farmer card you launched really makes it harder for them to get fertilizer. In truth, they desire the procurement of plant food to be simplified. Maybe you can address this concern."
Ganjar Pranowo immediately replied to Prabowo's declarations, acknowledging that problems in accessing subsidized fertilizer also existed in various other regions of Indonesia. He mentioned the deficiency of fertilizer in position like Papua, North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and East Kalimantan, including fuel shortages.
Ganjar raised the issue of information associated with farmers obtaining subsidized fertilizer. He described that the issue stocked the information administration system, as precise data on farmers was essential for the correct circulation of subsidized plant food. "Maybe you've slightly neglected, but I want to remind you, as you were once the Chairman of HKTI (Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia, the Indonesian Farmers Organization). Sir, our farmer information has actually never been properly handled. As a result, if we can handle the farmer information, after that the plant food circulation must be exact and targeted," he stressed.
Furthermore, Ganjar stressed that the allocation for subsidized fertilizer need to not be limited. He believed that the distribution of subsidized fertilizer needed to be expanded and revealed the importance of making certain an adequate supply. "At the exact same time, the subsidized plant food allocation should not be limited. This is what I called the Vice President directly for. 'Please, Vice President, give additional supply. If not, it will not be adequate.' And this is occurring all over Indonesia. This is what we will certainly work with," Ganjar concluded.

During the 2024 governmental dispute on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo outlined steps to deal with joblessness. In his reaction, Ganjar stressed the need to develop a significant financial investment atmosphere.
To increase financial investment, Ganjar stressed that it ought to be accompanied by law enforcement, lawful certainty, accountability, and effective and quick solutions. He advised that if these conditions are not satisfied, capitalists might take out.
In action to a question from presidential prospect number two, Prabowo Subianto, pertaining to just how to deal with unemployment, especially among school graduates, Ganjar included that after attracting financial investments, growth centers ought to be provided to capitalists with industrial zones. Ganjar highlighted the relevance of preparing the labor force via trade colleges, saying, "The strength of the labor force to fulfill these needs comes through trade institutions.
Ganjar discussed his previous efforts as a guv in advertising Unique Economic Areas (SEZ) in Kendal and Batang. He stressed the demand for teamwork in between the central federal government, districts, and districts to facilitate these zones. "When making industrial areas, I rested down with preachers and the president," he mentioned.
Ganjar Pranowo: Leaders Ought To Live Decently
Ahead of time, presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, had actually highlighted that combating corruption is not almost police. He discussed that leaders must set an example for individuals by not living extravagantly. This statement was made during the 2024 governmental discussion at the KPU RI Building in Central Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
As a participant of the Indonesian Democratic Celebration of Struggle (PDIP), Ganjar also reminded that the federal government should impose stringent sanctions to impoverish corrupt individuals. He suggested making use of Nusakambangan prison as an apprehension place, stating, "Police ought to include impoverishment and asset confiscation, so we ought to promptly deal with the Possession Confiscation Act. Corrupt officials need to be required to Nusakambangan. Allow's not take this lightly."
Ganjar emphasized the importance of changing the vetting process for officials to avoid the buying and marketing of placements, which is a component of corrupt practices. He stated, "If somebody is an official, allow them grow through meritocracy to prevent the acquiring and marketing of placements.
Indonesia's Dream of Becoming an Established Nation by 2045, Ganjar Pranowo: Do Not Concession on 7% Financial Growth!
Previously, governmental candidate Ganjar Pranowo revealed essential problems for Indonesia to become an established nation by 2045. He stressed a 7% economic development rate must not be jeopardized. This was reviewed in a dialogue with Indonesian entrepreneurs in Jakarta on Monday, December 11, 2023.
Ganjar described that to boost financial development, 2 necessary factors are electronic economy and boosting human resource capacities.
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He also went over industrialization in Indonesia, stressing the need for low prices, basic laws, and satisfied labor. Ganjar stressed, "If we discuss attaining 7% financial growth, it must include value-added automation, and this investment must produce jobs. Our task is to prepare a proficient workforce."
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Ganjar shared his commitment to making certain that education comes to all, including the inadequate, women, and individuals with handicaps. He stated, "Do not jeopardize on complimentary education, regardless of what."
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Ganjar's strategies aim to create a favorable atmosphere for financial investment, foster financial development, and address unemployment while preserving a solid position against corruption and advertising equitable accessibility to education.


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