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MIO Console v5.4 업데이트

페이지 정보


MIO Console v5.4가 업데이트 되었습니다.
*적외선 리모트로 인아웃 게인을 조정할 수 있으며 뮤트,모니터 컨트롤등이 가능하고 버튼의
매핑 또한 가능하다고 합니다.^^ 안타깝지만 ULN8과 LIO8유저들에게만 적용!
또 메트릭 할로에서는 기존의 Legacy 제품들,즉 2D 카드가 업그레이드 되지않은 제품들을 가지고 있는
고객들에게는 2D카드 업그레이드를 강력히 권장 하고 있습니다. 2D 업그레이드가 되지 않은 제품들은
호환성의 문제가 있을 수 있다고 밝히고 있습니다.
또한 MIO5.4v 에서는 30일간의 무료 DSP Demo를 다운받아 사용 할 수 있습니다.

ps 두번째 링크 버튼을 누르면 바로 다운로드 가능

What’s New In MIO Console v5.4
IR Remote for LIO-8/ULN-8We have a special treat for LIO-8 and ULN-8 users; your front panel has an infrared receiver installed, and v5.4 activates it.
You can map the buttons from your Apple remote (or any other compatible remote) to control many elements of the LIO-8 and ULN-8 front panels.
With the new Infrared remote support, you can control input and output gains, control modes and the Monitor Controller level and mute from across the room, without even having a computer attached. If your computer is attached and MIO Console is running, you can even select the Monitor Control input source and output destination.
Follow the links below to see more new features…

+DSP Demo Now Available >>>>>
+DSP Demo Now AvailableOne of the most requested features has been the ability to get a demo license for +DSP. This is now possible in MIO Console v5.4; once your interface has been registered, you can request a 30 day demo of +DSP online from within MIO Console. Once you decide to buy it, you can purchase the software license in MIO Console or from your dealer.
Click here to learn more about +DSP

<<<<< IR Remote for LIO-8/ULN-8TransientControl: &agrave; la carte >>>>>
TransientControl: &agrave; la carteNot everyone needs the full +DSP package, but some people want more than the basic 2d plug-in set. With MIO Console v5.4 you have the ability to buy and demo individual plug-ins, and the first one we're offering is TransientControl.
We'll be making more plug-ins available for individual purchase soon.
Click here to learn more about TransientControl

<<<<< +DSP DemoOnline Registration >>>>>
Online Registration and Licensing In MIOConsoleWe've streamlined the registration process: with your computer online, launch MIO Console and it will check with our server to make sure that you are registered. Registration confirms your warranty, as well as giving you access to technical support.
The other advantage of registration is that you can request demos of plug-ins and purchase new plug-ins inside MIO Console.
The licenses are stored inside your interface; once you have them installed, you can disconnect from the web and use them anywhere your work takes you. We've got you covered from Alberta to Zimbabwe!

<<<<< TransientControl: &agrave; la carteNew Documentation >>>>>
Completely Revamped DocumentationMIO Console's documentation is now a single searchable PDF file, available from the "Help" menu or downloadable here.
The documentation also includes:
Documentation for all hardware+DSP documentationUpdated information on using ConsoleConnectMore technical data and pinouts

<<<<< Online RegistrationBugfixes and Improvements >>>>>
Bugfixes and ImprovementsIn MIO Console 5.4, we've concentrated on bugfixes and bullet-proofing our already rock-solid software.
This release provides a number of major new features and literally hundreds of fixes for mostly small (and a couple of big, but rare) issues that have been encountered by our users and testers since the release of 5.3, and implements infrastructure to allow us to add more useful features in the future.
Some of the things we've concentrated on are:
Improved firmware installation procedureDialog to prevent you from accidentally quitting MIO Console while using the Record PanelDriver improvements: More stability at 2x and 4x rates, better performance with multiple simultaneous clients using different buffer sizes, better handling of misbehaving clients that could cause distortion, improved 64 bit driver (bugfix from Apple code), improved sync performance if clocking from an external off-rate clockBetter Mixer undo support: You can undo every change made in the Mixer window; this does not extend to plug-in windows at this time.Better folder support: MIO Console remembers separate paths for your Record, Mirror, Playback and Save folders.

<<<<< New DocumentationDownload Now >>>>>
Download Now!
MIO Console v5.4 is available for immediate download, and is recommended for all users. This update includes MIO Console 5.4, as well as the new driver and firmware updates for 2d Expanded and Legacy interfaces.

The minimum Mac OS for v5.4 is 10.4.11.

Important Note For Legacy Users

This release of MIO Console marks the end of support for Legacy interfaces. Future versions of MIO Console will not be guaranteed to be compatible with Legacy interfaces and there will be no testing of future releases on Legacy devices.

We strongly recommend that you install a 2d upgrade in your interface to maintain compatibility with future releases of MIO Console. If you choose not to upgrade to 2d, installing any version of MIO Console released after v5.4 is at your own risk and we take no responsibility for its compatibility or performance.

To learn more about the 2d Card Upgrade and what it can do for your workflow, please take a look at the 2d Card Upgrade Product Page


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